Agreement & Release of Liability

In consideration of the services to be provided by HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC relating to my pet(s), the undersigned (“Client”) acknowledges, represents and agrees as follows:

Acknowledgment of Risks

Client understands activities that Client’s dog may participate in, including training, off-leash play, movement within and outside Client’s home or HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC and transportation, involve risk and possible injury to Client’s dog including but not limited to: • Exposure to parasites, viruses, and other transmittable diseases • Sprains, strains, bites, and broken bones; • Motor vehicle accident during transportation; • Fatigue, dehydration, nicks, cuts, or death.

Authorization of Veterinary Care

If Client’s pet becomes ill or injured while under the care and control of HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC, after making a reasonable effort to contact Client pursuant to the contact information, Client consents to and authorizes HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC to seek veterinary care and accepts sole financial responsibility for treatment provided to Client’s pet.

Disclosure of Pet’s Specific Characteristics

Except as specifically described on the Summary, Client represents and affirms to HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC that Client’s pet(s) has no vicious or aggressive tendencies.

Agreement to Pay

Client acknowledges and agrees that HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC accepts electronic payment through our scheduling system, Acuity. Non-refundable payment is required 48 hours prior to intake lesson or virtual consultation; non-refundable payment is required 7 days prior to day training program. Unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing, all services shall be charged at HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC standard service rates. Packages must be fully redeemed within 6 months (180 days) of purchase unless otherwise agreed upon, in writing, between HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC and Client.

Right to Decline

Client understands and agrees that HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC reserves the right to decline/terminate services to any Client and their pet at anytime for any reason.

Waiver, Release & Indemnity

Client agrees that if Client’s pet is injured Client, Client’s child(ren), any third party suffers personal injury or if any of Client’s or any third party’s property is lost or damaged in the course of participating in activities with, or under the care and control of HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC or in connection with any services provided to Client and/or Client’s pet(s) by HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC (collectively, “Claims”), HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC shall have no liability to Client for any Claims and Client waives and releases HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC from any and all such Claims. In addition, with respect to all Claims, Client hereby agrees to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, causes of actions, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and medical/veterinary costs) which are directly or indirectly related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected with any Claims.

Client agrees that Medi-Dogs Training, LLC is to be held to these standards for those services that are a collaborative effort between Medi-Dogs Training, LLC and HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC for the duration of this agreement.

Photo Release

Client hereby grants permission to the rights of their image and voice as recorded. Client understands that their image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waives the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein their likeness appears. TERM: The terms of this Agreement and Release of Liability will remain valid and in full force and effect as long as and whenever (i) HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC is providing any pet services to Client, or (ii) Client’s pet(s) participates in any activity with, or is in the care or control of HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC.

Cancellation/Reschedule Policy

Client hereby acknowledges all scheduling changes must be made 48 hours in advance of lesson time for private training and virtual consultations. Exceptions will be made on a case by case bases at the discretion of HERE WE GO DOG TRAINING, LLC for emergencies, including health and weather. Client hereby acknowledges that day training programs must be canceled or altered no later than 14 days prior to start date.